Children must be supervised: At all times while on the grounds, children must be accompanied by an adult.
Use equipment at your own risk: This includes the playground, benches, picnic tables, drink machines, etc.
No Running: For your safety, please walk and wear proper attire. The grounds are much like a wilderness hike with varying pavement paths, gravel, grass, and dirt.
Barriers are for Safety: No visitor shall go over, under, between, or otherwise cross any guardrail, fence, wall, or safety barrier. For the safety of the animals, Selfie sticks are not permitted. DO NOT sit, stand, lean on or hold children over barriers.
Respect the Animals: No visitor shall tease, throw or toss rocks, throw trash, chase, or be neglectful towards the animals. Free-roaming animals such as; Peacocks, Canadian Geese, Swans, Ducks, etc WILL defend themselves if they feel threatened. Interact with them at your own risk. You will be asked to leave if we find you treating any animal with disrespect.
No Pets OR SERVICE ANIMALS: Service Animals and Pets are NOT Permitted Due to quarantine restrictions and safety risks, no outside animals are allowed as per USDA Animal Regulations § 2.40 & § 2.131.
No Refunds or Rain Checks: We are open rain or shine. Most animals don’t mind the rain, some animals may be in their dens during rain or heat. There will be no refunds or rain checks due to inclement weather or animals resting or sleeping. We also don't provide refunds for short visits or if we did not meet your expectations.
No Smoking: To ensure the health + safety of visitors, staff, and animals, smoking, including ecigs are not permitted at Tiger World. However, there is a designated smoking area right outside the front entrance gate.
Food: You are welcome to bring your own food and use our Picnic area. Please note that alcohol is not permitted. Only with the provided Feed Cups that we sell in the gift shop can you feed the animals.
Don’t Litter: Please put all of your rubbish in bins and use the Recycling Bins when appropriate. Help us to reduce our waste and keep Tiger World clean.
Weapons/GUNS are NOT Permitted: If you witness someone in immediate danger, contact Tiger World staff immediately. DO NOT TAKE RISKS. Never attempt a rescue when dangerous animals are involved. Keep your eye on the person and call for assistance.