WILD Adventure Golf is a new feature at Tiger World Endangered Wildlife Preserve. We have created a mini-golf adventure safari around the world. At every hole, you will experience a different species of animal that is also on display at Tiger World. Additionally, we have integrated real animal exhibits into WILD Adventure Golf including even Endangered & Threatened Species.
With the Help of WildeDesign, we were able to create a unique mini-golf environment with natural design elements, water features, animal exhibits, 6 National Park areas of exploration, and a truly unique animal emersion.
Since WILD Adventure Golf is a new feature inside Tiger World, Admission to the Zoo is required in order to experience this journey.
Open daily during zoo hours 9 am to 5 pm (closed Wednesdays)
*WILD Adventure Golf is subject to close due to weather
Individual - $5 (9 holes) $8 (2 Rounds (18 Holes)
Under 2 - FREE
Download the App
It's the best way to play mini-golf! Forget carrying around a scorecard and pencil, instead use your iPhone or Android Phone to keep score and share your victories with all your friends!

Rules and Regulations
- Play at your own risk
- Six stroke limit per hole
- Player limit 5 per group
- No hitting balls in the animal areas
- Do not swing club above knee level
- All children must be supervised by an adult
- Do not cut in front of other groups, be respectful
- Wait until the group ahead has finished the hole before teeing off
- No food or gum. Drinks allowed in a spill-proof container only
- No climbing on rocks, statues, landscaping, or in water
- Anyone hitting structures, statues, carpet with the club will be asked to leave
Have Fun!